Everything that happens in my life is somehow connected to Aikido. Either the daily experiences change the attitude in training or the insights in training give new perspectives to life. Either way – the small influences or the dramatic shifts – they always happen. It could be as small as the way to hold a dart…

General Secretary


The longer I practice aikido the less I feel I know anything about it. My aikido journey began in a style which I would describe as „collecting techniques“. The more knowledge you aquire, the better you will get, right? My engineer’s mind liked that way of thinking. Until I found out that the illusion of…


It’s very surprising that the federation development in the last 10 years has resulted in 600 individuals, 150 black belts, 10 organisations as members from 4 countries. There has been no marketing, no advertising for the federation. We’ve just been doing what we are good at: Organising aikido seminars and tours. The member dojos and…

Former Treasurer

When I look at what the guys have written above, I feel embarrassed – for them. High-flying dogmas has never been my interest. There’s this concept, and that principle, and yet another Japanese word to describe a method until all you can say in desperation is “Empty Mind”. I’m natural at that, your average feet-on-the-ground…