Ariga Shihan European Aikido Tour 14.-23. October 2016

We are pleased to welcome: Ariga Kaname Sensei 21th – 23th October 2016 aikido forum kishintai, Beethovenstrasse 16, 50674 Köln training times: Fri 19:00-21:00 Sat 10:30-12:30 and 16:00-18:00 Sun 11:00-12:30 price: whole seminar 60€, Sat only 40€, single class 20€ Limited places! Please register in advance: Accomondation in the Dojo is possible! Saturday night: dinner…

Interview with Ariga Kaname Sensei

Interview with Ariga Kaname October 2015 1. Tell us a little bit about yourself My name is Ariga Kaname and because it is the habit of Japanese people, they call me Ariga-san. I started Aikido 27 years ago at the age of 15. From the beginning I followed Endo Sensei and Shimizu Sensei. After I…

Ariga Sensei European Tour 2015

We are pleased to welcome: Ariga Kaname Sensei 23th – 25th October 2015 aikido forum kishintai, Beethovenstrasse 16, 50674 Köln training times: Fri 19:00-21:00 Sat 10:30-12:30 and 16:00-18:00 Sun 10:30-12:30 price: whole seminar 60€, Sat only 40€, single class 20€ Limited places! Please register in advance: Accomondation in the Dojo is possible! Saturday night: dinner…

Endo Shihan awarded as Person of Merit in Budo

Nippon Budokan, January 12 2015 — Nippon Budo Kyogikai[1] (Japan Budo Association) awarded Endo Shihan as Person of Merit in Budo[2] for 2014 for his longtime contribution and designation in the field of Budo, and gave a certificate of merit and a medal at the ceremony. This report and article about the award and the…

Kuribayashi Seminar Report

Thanks to Eric Vanem from Oslo Aikido Klubb and his students, we could meet and practice under the guidance of Kuribayashi Takanori Shihan from Aikikai Honbu Dojo in Tokyo. It was an inspiring seminar with a lot of remarkable teachings like the following: „Remember, we as human beings have all the same potential, also in…

Ariga Sensei in Köln

Ich freue mich sehr Euch zum diesjährigen Wochenendseminar einzuladen: Ariga Kaname Sensei 24.-26.10.2014 aikido forum kishintai, Beethovenstrasse 16, 50674 Köln Trainingszeiten: Fr 19:00-21:00 Sa 10:30-12:30 16:00-18:00 So. 10:30-12:30 Gesamt: 50€, Sa.: 30€, Einzel: 20€  Ariga Tour 2014 v1.0_german_compressed I’m very happy to annonce the next weekend seminar with: Ariga Kaname Sensei 24th – 26th Oktober 2014…

Aikido in Japan – Ein Reisebericht

Japan – Ein Reisebericht Zazen – Wer nach Japan fliegt, muss sitzen können. Zwölf Stunden Frankfurt Tokyo nostop ist eine nicht zu unterschätzende Herausforderung. Umgeben von polarer Nacht will man gern von tanzenden Kirschblüten träumen, sofern die Enge der Flugkonserve denn ein bischen Schlaf zulässt. Unterstützt von den unrhythmischen Flügelschlägen der Boing, lehnt der Nachbar sein…