Everything that happens in my life is somehow connected to Aikido. Either the daily experiences change the attitude in training or the insights in training give new perspectives to life. Either way – the small influences or the dramatic shifts – they always happen.
It could be as small as the way to hold a dart before throwing, or the feeling of connectedness to the motorbike, our connection to the road and our connection to the scenery.
Or it can be like the decision some years ago to establish a group to share ideas and feelings for Aikido. Basically we are just friends, meeting to have a “good time”. But it’s remarkable to see what grew out of this: Kimusubi Dojos nowadays provides a rich culture of high quality, soft Aikido training.
I am happy to be a part of this process. Sometimes when organizing the workshops, even during the “stress moments”, I feel relieved, because I know I will find a lot of support and understanding from the members of Kimusubi Dojos. That is real life networking – the practical help. It feels good to be able to share this passion and commitment.
Lucky me.